A Roayl Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety was established on 8 October 2018. DFWA made a submission to the Commission.
The Productivity Commission Inquiry Report – A Better Way to Support Veterans was sent to the Government on 27 June 2019 and publicly released on 04 July 2019. DFWA has reviewed the report and has made comments against each recommendation.
The Productivity Commission released its draft inquiry report – A Better Way to Support Veterans in December 2018. DFWA reviewed the draft report and provided comment to the Productivity Commission.
DFWA made a submission to the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislative Committee regarding the Veterans’ Recognition (Putting Veterans and Their Families First) Bill 2019.
DFWA made a submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade inquiry into the use of mefloquine and tefenoquine in the Australian Defence Force.
In May 2018, the Productivity Commission circulated an issues paper as part of its inquiry into compensation and rehabilitation of veterans. DFWA made a submission to the Commission.
The Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade initiated an inquiry into the Defence Annual Report 2016-17. DFWA made a submission addressing some aspects of the terms of reference, specifically those with a workforce focus.