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National E-News – March 2021

Greetings Veterans and Military Families,

You, the reader, are important to DFWA! There are several issues on the table at present and your view and ideas are important to us.

Operational and Non-Operational Service

The Australian Parliament has legislated and now formally recognises, ‘the Unique Nature of Military Service’. Veterans and the military family hold a special place in the Australian community. An aspect of this recognition is the ‘service’ we undertake on behalf of the nation. This service has been recognised for compensation purposes since 1914. However, today the relevant Compensation Acts identify eleven (yes eleven) types of service and each of these attracts different level of care and/or compensation. Unhelpful, confusing, a drain on resources and mentally confusing.

In the latest edition of Camaraderie , the nature of Operational and Non-Operational Service is discussed. Have a read of the articles and let us know what you think. Your ideas and thoughts will help form the way ahead for DFWA as the organisation pursues simplifying legislation for those coming after us.

DFRDB and MSBS Invalidity Benefit Taxation

Veterans who started receiving DFRDB and MSBS invalidity pensions after September 2007 have had a major win regarding taxation of those benefits – be sure to read the updates below, or the full account here.

DFWA is concerned that those veterans who started receiving their pensions before September 2007 do not receive the same favourable tax treatment; we are still assessing the impact and options, and how the Association may advocate for greater equity between the two groups. Comments and thoughts from the community are appreciated. You can provide feedback here .

Seeking your feedback

DFWA is privileged to be a member of the DVA ex-service organisations round table (ESORT). Membership of this consultative forum means we can raise issues and ask questions directly of the DVA and Repatriation Commission senior management and leadership. Our aim is to use the consultation process to help those organisations to improve services.

To do that, we need your help to be our eyes and ears. We are always interested to hear the experiences of clients and advocates, both good and bad. Please let us know using our community feedback form here .

Take care,

Kel Ryan, President

Consider Donating

The Defence Force Welfare Association advocates for issues affecting current and former members of the Australian Defence Force.

Please consider donating to the Association. Your donations will enable this important policy advocacy on behalf of current and former members of the Australian Defence Force, as well as their families.

Latest News

Productivity Commission Report – A Better Way to Support Veterans

In March 2018, the Prime Minister announced that the Productivity Commission was to inquire into whether the system of compensation and rehabilitation for veterans (Serving and Ex-serving Australian Defence Force members) is fit for purpose, now and into the future. The Report The report of the inquiry – A Better Way to Support Veterans –…

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Submission to DVA: Dental Program Review

DVA conducted a review of its dental program, in response to concerns about whether or not the program met current clients’ needs, and its capacity to meet future needs.

DFWA made a submission to the review. View or download the submission here.

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