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Administrative Appeals Tribunal Orders Handed Down

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal Orders have been handed down, in the three cases involving taxation of veteran invalidity benefits.

In all three cases, it was decided that Class A and B Invalidity Benefits paid under DFRDB and MSBS, should have been:

  • a superannuation benefit
  • a superannuation lump sum and
  • a disability superannuation benefit

And Class A or B pension payments received are required to be treated in accordance with s 307-145 Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth).

Read the Decisions

You can access the orders online:

Douglas v Commissioner of Taxation [2020] AATA 494 (13 March 2020)

Burns v Commissioner of Taxation [2020] AATA 671 (25 March 2020)

GDGR v Commissioner of Taxation [2020] AATA 766 (30 March 2020)

For more information read the main article Veteran Invalidity Benefit Taxation here.