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Media Release: DFWA Continues to Call on the Government to Include CSC Into the Royal Commission Into Banking and Superannuation

The Government cannot hide for much longer.

The Senate has agreed a Motion that the Hayne Royal Commission be extended to include the Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation.

In a wide-ranging Motion Senator Anning (Queensland) identified that 6,800 submissions had been received but that the resources made available to the Commissioner does not allow them justice let alone a hearing. Commissioner Haynes simply does not have the resources or the personnel to ensure fairness and a hearing to those thousands of individuals who have been confronted by the tragedy being identified.

The Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse was extended to five years, had seven commissioners and heard from thousands of aggrieved individuals.

Prime Minister Turnbull needs to answer a simple question but is unable to or afraid to.

Why is the Government unwilling to extend the Royal Commission to include the Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation and give justice to those veterans who tragic stories need to be told?



National President
Kel Ryan
0418 759 120

Executive Director
Alf Jaugietis
0438 282 284