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National Newsletter – September 2022

In this edition: Royal Commission Interim Report • Veteran Superannuation Invalidity Benefit Taxation • Defence Community Dogs Assistance Program • Mixing up Date of Onset and Date of Diagnosis – The Boys Case Update • Royal Commission Hearings

National Newsletter July 2022

National Newsletter – July 2022

In this edition: Non-Liability Health Care for Reservists • Federal Election • CPI Indexation • Book Giveaway • Draft Legislation – Veteran Superannuation Invalidity Benefit Taxation • Census Data • Latest Camaraderie • Exploring the Concept of the Veteran as a Sovereign Asset • Royal Commission Update

Taxation of Military Invalidity Benefits - Draft Legislation

Draft Legislation – Taxation of Military Invalidity Benefits

The Government is introducing legislation to “ensure no veteran pays higher income tax because of the Federal Court decision in Commissioner of Taxation v Douglas. A draft bill, Treasury Laws Amendment Bill 2022: Taxation of military superannuation benefits and associated draft explanatory material, have been released for public consultation.

Media Release: Defence Reservists Deserve Non-Liability Health Care

Three key ex-service organisations have called for non-liability health care (NLHC) for all Defence Reservists. The Defence Reserves Association (DRA), the Defence Force Welfare Association (DFWA), and the Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL) have written a joint letter to the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel, Matt Keogh, seeking his support for the extension of health care to all those serving in the reserve forces.